Monitoring and Evaluation for Development Projects Course

Course Overview:

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of Development Projects offers an in-depth understanding of the essential concepts, methodologies, and tools required for effective M&E processes in development settings. It is designed to equip participants with practical skills for designing, implementing, and managing M&E systems, allowing them to track project progress, evaluate impact, and enhance accountability to stakeholders. Participants will gain the knowledge to apply M&E techniques in real-world scenarios, contributing to improved project planning, performance, and continuous learning, ensuring the overall success of development initiatives.


10 Days

Who Should Attend

  • Project managers and officers involved in development projects
  • M&E professionals, specialists, and officers
  • Program directors and coordinators from NGOs, governments, and donor agencies
  • Development consultants and technical advisors
  • Researchers, evaluators, and academics working on project impact studies
  • Professionals seeking to build or enhance M&E capacity in their organizations
Course Level: Intermediate

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the role of M&E in the project lifecycle and its importance in improving accountability and learning.
  • Develop M&E frameworks, including setting appropriate indicators for inputs, outputs, outcomes, and impacts.
  • Utilize data collection methods and tools for both qualitative and quantitative data.
  • Analyze and report M&E data to stakeholders effectively.
  • Manage and coordinate M&E systems for development projects.
  • Conduct impact assessments and evaluations to measure project effectiveness.
  • Incorporate lessons learned and feedback into future project designs.
  • Ensure M&E processes meet donor and organizational reporting requirements.

Course Outline:

Module 1: Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Understanding the fundamentals of M&E
  • The role of M&E in project cycle management
  • Key terminologies: Monitoring, Evaluation, Impact, Output, and Outcome

Module 2: Designing M&E Frameworks

  • Developing a Theory of Change (ToC) and Logical Framework (LogFrame)
  • Indicators: Selecting, defining, and validating SMART indicators
  • M&E plans: Integrating M&E into project design and planning

Module 3: Data Collection Methods and Tools

  • Quantitative vs. Qualitative data collection techniques
  • Surveys, interviews, focus groups, and observation methods
  • Using technology for data collection (e.g., mobile surveys, GIS tools)

Module 4: Managing Data Quality and Analysis

  • Data quality assurance: Accuracy, timeliness, and relevance
  • Data management systems and tools
  • Statistical analysis and interpretation of data for decision-making

Module 5: Participatory M&E Approaches

  • Engaging stakeholders in the M&E process
  • Community-based monitoring and evaluation
  • Tools for participatory monitoring (e.g., scorecards, community mapping)

Module 6: Gender and Inclusivity in M&E

  • Mainstreaming gender into M&E frameworks
  • Ensuring inclusivity in data collection and reporting
  • Case studies on gender-sensitive M&E approaches

Module 7: Evaluating Project Impact and Sustainability

  • Impact evaluation designs: Experimental and quasi-experimental
  • Long-term sustainability assessment of development interventions
  • Measuring unintended outcomes and risk management

Module 8: Communicating M&E Results and Reporting

  • Writing clear and actionable M&E reports
  • Data visualization for M&E reporting
  • Presenting findings to different stakeholders (donors, communities, etc.)

Module 9: Learning and Continuous Improvement

  • Lessons learned and best practices for future projects
  • Adaptive management in response to M&E findings
  • Creating feedback loops to improve project performance

Module 10: Case Studies and Practical Application

  • Case studies of successful M&E frameworks in development projects
  • Designing an M&E system for a real-world development project
Course Administration Details
Customized Training

This training can be tailored to your institution needs and delivered at a location of your choice upon request.


Participants need to be proficient in English.

Training Fee

The fee covers tuition, training materials, refreshments, lunch, and study visits. Participants are responsible for their own travel, visa, insurance, and personal expenses.


A certificate from Ideal Sense & Workplace Solutions is awarded upon successful completion.


Accommodation can be arranged upon request. Contact via email for reservations.


Payment should be made before the training starts, with proof of payment sent to
For further inquiries, please contact us on details below:

Mobile: +254759708394

Register for the Course

Face to Face Training Schedules

Virtual Trainer-Led Training Schedules

For customized training dates or further enquiries, kindly contact us on +254759708394 or email us at